Sup, 2012?

I used to have this annual post during the first few days of the year (because I’m busy on the last day of the previous year) where I would enumerate the things that I’ve learned and realized, but then come mid quarter of the year, I’ll go back and create the same mistakes again. I guess, some people never learn and I’m one of them.

Inspired by a friend’s status update in Facebook, I decided to list down all the blessings that I received this year. By focusing on the brighter side of things and ignoring the terrible things that occurred, I can feel better about myself and the year that has been. Of course, all these are because of the Man up there!

So, thank You for all of these:


I’m getting close with my family. Close friends know my story. Enough said. Thank You for bringing my family closer and closer. Thank You for our health and stable income. I know this isn’t true but sometimes I feel like we’re God’s favorite children.

A job

Steady job and a promotion. I never felt ungrateful because of this. I’m confident that I can do whatever task is given me and all I need is focus. It doesn’t matter what people say. I’m in this position because I deserved this. Other’s are still down there because that’s what they chose for themselves.

BIGHANI CHICKS - Irene, Claude and Madz

Sab and Ara

MEDIOCRE - Van, Mon and Lio

Lyn and Paw (and Yuki too who's not in photo)

I have true friends who appreciate me for being me, no matter how rude I can sometimes be. They fully understand that I’m just frank and I always speak my mind. When I’m becoming mean to them, they know that it’s just my way of showing my affection to them. And I’m glad because they can fire back. Trained kitties. LOL!


Mountains. I’ll forever treasure every chance I got to witness the wonders of nature and be one with them. To experience it is one of my greatest achievements in life because not everyone is willing to take the risk of living in that condition even for just a day but I did. I’m proud of all these insect bites all over my legs because it reminds me that life is an adventure and I’m willing to take it. His creations always leave me breathless and I will be forever in awe.


There has been disasters throughout the year but He secured us in His arms. Thank You! And may the victims recuperate from all these devastations.


Luis Franco A. Amigo. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. I know that I’m a better person because of him. He taught me to be empathetic and loving towards other people. He was there when I’m feeling down, making sure that I still feel loved even for just a bit. He never let go of me when I feel like giving up. Part of my strength today is from him. Thank You for year one, and I hope to count on till forever with you.

Gift of Life. If this isn’t a blessing, then I don’t know what else is.

All just everything around me. Good or bad. Ugly or beautiful. Everything around me is created by Him, that’s why I appreciate all of it. Although I don’t have a perfect attendance on Sundays, thank You for making me feel that I can always count on You.

Let’s do something different. Instead of focusing on new year’s resolution or how to be a better person, why not just count our blessings and be thankful for everything? Stop the hate. Be grateful.

To good vibes this 2012!

2012 is Loading… ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 99.80%

Not my photo. Found it in Tumblr. Yours? I'll be glad to credit you. Email me!

I welcomed 2011 at Caliraya in Laguna with my family last year. This time, we’ll be waiting for 2012 at our humble abode. It’s because mom thinks that it’s the reason why most of us were always out of the house this year. Each one of us has parties or weekend getaway to attend. During my weekend offs, I seldom see people in here. Mom believe any stuff about New Year. Like she should wear polka dots dress to attract money and we should always have circular fruits in the table for good luck for the coming year.

I think I got that attitude from mom. New Year holds a special place in my heart. It can’t be new year if there’s no abundance of food or if you’re not wearing polka dots or stripes. Modern age says that polka dots are only for coins while stripes are for bills. Also, I try to be happy come 12 midnight. I feel like if I’m sad or miserable, that’s how it’s gonna be for the rest of the year. I ask Kiko to call me at midnight too, kinda hoping that we’ll always be in touch for the rest of 2012.

I have a polka dots dress to wear this year. Mother bought me this afternoon. We have 12 kinds of circular fruits downstairs. We also have spaghetti for, of course, long life. I’ll be writing about my annual recap of realizations and learnings tomorrow morning.

Of all the things that I’m really thankful for, the fact that my lola is with us to welcome 2012 is definitely something that I am truly grateful for.

Thank You, Lord! You’ve been good to me even though I sometimes feel that I don’t deserve it. Thank You for the loving family who’s always there for me. Thank You for friends who never left me. Thank You for him who loves me and understands me even in my meanest mood. Thank You for this very positive aura tonight. Please don’t take this away from me. Thank You for the blessings. Thank You for this life.

I wish you’re feeling thankful too. Happy New Year!

This is not an abandoned blog (a.k.a. a very late 2010 year-end post)

Gervic Evolution 2010 (January-December)

Hello! I failed to update this blog becaue I’ve been too busy with some stuff but it doesnt mean that I’ll be leaving this because this blog is more important that any significant being in my life. There are just certain circumstances that made me stop and look at the clouds for a while and I won’t be elaborating much of that because what’s important is that I’m already here to stay. I dont owe the world an apology for my absence but I think an explanation is still needed.

I know this is too late but of course, I don’t officially welcome the new year without a blog entry that sums up my 2010.

To start with, I turned twenty-two. Sometimes I still have a weird feeling whenever I think of myself as a twenty-two year old female. I can’t even say I’m a woman and I don’t want to say that I’m a girl. I still feel like I’m nineteen. Too young to pay the bills, too old for dolls and candies. But I’m no longer mad at the world like I used to be when I was really nineteen. I was not that happy about that either. Just something in between. I guess this is the path to a better individual. I sure do hope it is.

On the first quarter of the year, I found myself a new hobby – mountain climbing! Irene’s officemate, Ate Olga and her husband Kuya Mario opened our eyes to this wonderful adventure. My friends and I (we now call ourselves, Bighani Mountaineers) experienced our first climbed last February 26 at Mount Maculot in Batangas and in the span of 12 months, we got the chance to climbed 5 mountains! I think that’s pretty awesome for someone who isn’t actually a mountaineer. Our second major climb will be on February 25 this year at Mount Pulag in Benguet. For the next few days, I will be busy (again!) preparing myself physically and mentally for this one. I used to say that I’m always bored and I don’t have a life of my own but not anymore because I found myself enjoying the beauty of nature and I think that will be enough for now to keep me sane.

September 2010 marked my second year at work. At first, I’m really stressed and not confident with my job. I think it’s because I started too early for my age (I was 20 then) but as the year progresses I learned to go with the flow of this fast-phased and crazy working world and just right now, I’m doing fine. I don’t have anything planned for my career as of this time because I’m doing ok as long as my ATM card is loaded every 5th and 20th of the month. This job is actually pretty cool because once you familiarize yourself on how things work around, you’ll be good.

I still haven’t done anything about my PhD plan but I’m interested in enrolling in an open university since I have different work schedule every month. I’m doing a research on open universities every now and then to help me decide if this is a good choice. To feed my thirst for learning, I enrolled in a driving school. It was a big help but I think I need daily practice to familiarize myself more on everything around the driver’s seat. My class ended, I failed to practice everyday after that and I no longer remember anything that my instructor taught me there. I’m not giving up on driving though. Hopes are still high and someday I’m going to hit that road like a bad ass.

Also, my Boracay tour courtesy of SEAIR and Microtel was worth mentioning too! I know Boracay is overrated but for someone like me, it just feels good winning a contest because of my own write-up. This is actually the first time I ever got something out of writing after graduating in college. In Adamson, I used to get free stuff and trips too because I’m a member of the student publication. I joined another contest sponsored by SEAIR again but I didn’t win. Everyone has their fair share of chances, I guess.

2010 started just like any other year in my life. I never thought surprises could happen in the end and right now, I’m still overwhelmed with the happiness that the latter days of the previous year gave me. Whoever is responsible for this, thank you, please stay and I hope you would never change.

As usual, there were new friends and there were forgotten ones. More relationships were formed and some were ruined. In some intances, things made me sad but often times it shaped me to be strong. There were a lot of things that happened last year and obviously I survived and 2011 met the stronger and wiser me. I know I wouldn’t make it without the guidance of everyone around me and God. So if you can read this, I’m thankful because you’re there.

So, what’s up, 2011?!

We do not need a new year to get going

Do you remember watching pyrotechnics in amusement like it’s your first time and eating so much until your stomach can’t take it anymore? That was just yesterday. Today is January 2, 2010. The second day of the first week of the tenth year of the 21st century.

Happy New Year from the employees on duty!

How time flies so fast.

I didn’t welcome dear 2010 at home as most of you guys did. While everyone on the face of the planet was preparing to embrace the new year with abundant dining table and colorful fireworks, I was on duty and working my ass off as a corporate slave. I guess, what made it seems not so bad after all was that I was with people who always make sure that every freaking day of every freaking second must rock. Thank you for my lovable as a bunny and cool as a rock star shift mates.

Do I need to review the meaning of beautiful then?

I don’t like fireworks. Or fire crackers. Or anything colorful that is explosive. I sure do go like “Wow, ang gandaaa!” (Wow, it’s so beautiful!) whenever I witness one. But I say this because I don’t know how to react when I’m with people who stares at fireworks like it’s a miracle or something. Moments like this is not actually the best time to ruin the happy and cute thoughts of people. But tell me what is beautiful with noise, smoke and floating materials up in the sky? By this time, our ozone layer is 300 times thinner than December 31. Why do we do this?

Okay. That photo sucks but that’s just how I view fireworks. Sun set is beautiful. Fireworks are pollutants.

Actually, new year is just another day. If you look at it closely, there’s nothing special about it. We do this every other 365 days. New hope can not be found in a new year. You don’t need twelve months to recognize your mistakes and decide to change for the better. You don’t need a year to realize that you want to have a good life. A span of time is not essential to glamour yourself up against this mad world. There’s no better time than the present.

Time flies so fast. Everyday we start anew. Death is the only ending. I don’t want to realize in the end that I have forgotten to live. Let’s do the jiggle NOW!

Okay, that’s me speaking there. I said this is the best best season to become a better you on my previous entry and that’s just shit. You see, if you hear me saying cliche stuff, that’s just not the real me. It’s my way of telling everyone that I’m too tired to argue so just let it be whatever you wanted it to be.